Coastal Control LLC |
Process Control Professionals |
These are just a few of our projects. |
The Safety Gate System are the highest priority projects at the moment. We are currently working on 1 Safety Gate System at this time. This is in an extruding plant in Washington. |
We have been performing PLC updates for the past 21 years. Since technoilogical changes in the industries have been changing, plc upgrades are neccesary. These upgrades are especially needed for the latest designs in electronics and safety. Not to leave out security. (Hackers are always near) |
Todays world requires the manufacturer to "follow" the product from design through manufacturing, packaging and then delivery to the customer. We design and implement these systems for the manufacturers specification. |
The measurement technology has grown substantially to include "laser" measurements many meters from the product. This has helped us to increase not only the accuracy of the measurment, but also the position of the instuments doing the measuring. Awesome! |
The Label Application projects have been extremely successful. We work with many types of labels, (peel off, water activated, etc). When the label/labels are applied to the product, we verify the customer, and then posiiton the labels to the customers specs. |
Safety Gate Projects |
Measurement Projects |
Data Tracking Projects |
PLC Upgrade Projects |
Label ApplicationProjects |
Projects List |